Roadies, which is the longest running adventure reality show in India has came with a bang in 2013. Starting its auditions from Pune, Roadies X has got a great response from the audience across the city and country.
Hero Roadies X - "Battle for Glory", has came with a new concept this year. This time there will be two teams One of Raghu which will consist of previous Roadies and other will be of Ranvijay which will have new roadies selected through auditions.
Here are the names of the contestants selected from Pune in Roadies X.
Jahid Kalim is the lucky person who got selected from PUne in 10th season of Hero Roadies X. Jahid lost his leg in an accident but he says, "he is not disabled". He showed great potential of being roadies by showing that he is good at kicking and can do push-ups being one legged.
Here are some photos of Jahid from pune auditions of Roadies X.
Hero Roadies X - "Battle for Glory", has came with a new concept this year. This time there will be two teams One of Raghu which will consist of previous Roadies and other will be of Ranvijay which will have new roadies selected through auditions.
Here are the names of the contestants selected from Pune in Roadies X.
Jahid Kalim is the lucky person who got selected from PUne in 10th season of Hero Roadies X. Jahid lost his leg in an accident but he says, "he is not disabled". He showed great potential of being roadies by showing that he is good at kicking and can do push-ups being one legged.
Here are some photos of Jahid from pune auditions of Roadies X.